Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rijkmuseum Saturday March 26

Saturday March 26
Got up early and headed straight to the RIJKSMUSEUM. Walked passed the other 2 museums on the way. It will be very important to get to the Van Gogh museum early on Sunday as the lines are long.

The first thing that you notice in Amsterdam is the huge number of cyclists. When I cross the road I first have to check the cycle track both directions, then I have to check for cars on the left, then there are the tram tracks to check in both directions. Then there are cars again,this time on the right. Finally there are the bikes again, both directions of course. Now you're safely on the other foot path. Make sure you keep to the right ok and don't stray onto the bike track!

The Rijkmuseum is also a history museum and there was very interesting displays on the Dutch East India company. The Asian influence in woodwork and the Chinese influence in the development of the dutch pottery industry.

The enormous wealth sucked out of their Asian colonies funded all this opulence.

Each 'suburb' of Amsterdam were separate states and each had its own militia. When I went the the painting section these militias would pay artist to paint huge paintings of them all. Each individual paying the artist to be included in the large painting.

I was not allowed to take photos in the gallery do I took notes.

Hendrick Overcame 1609
'Winter landscape with shadows'
Gerald von Hontmorst 1623
'The Merry Fiddler'
(inspired by Caravagio)

Ferdinand van Dyck
'Still life with cheese'
textures with lighting.

Willem Claesz Heda
'Still life with gilded goblet' 1635
Textures and lightin - glass.

Frsnz Hals 1632
'Portrait of a man Nick Haaelar'
Loose style -
'Wedding portrait of Isaac Abrahamsz' 1622

Compare Hals to Varsponck 1644.
'Portrait of van Adrian Cross'
Precise details

Room 8 Early Rembrandt
Use of scraching off paint for edges of cloth and hair - lighting & strong contrast.
'Self portrait' 1628
tone, scratched hair mood.
'Portrait of van Maria Trip'
Transparent lace and skin colour. Pearls & shadows, gold thread.
Much of this painting would have been done by students as of is not in Rembrandt's loose style.
'self Portraits' 1633
College, thick paint without detail. Hands.
Very subtle tones in black cloth & cuffs to define sleaves.
detail in eyes, particularly the red dots in the lower lids.

Rembrandt vs Lievens
R was influenced by Hercules Seagar's landscapes
"The store bridge" 1638
Landscape good light & textures

R vs Bar. van der Helst.

Red colouring was made from crushed lice in South America. Lice live in cactus and 1 hectare can produce 3-400 liquid base. The Indigo plant produced the colours black & dark blue.

Helst 1642
"Portrait of Gerard Becker".
Use of charcoal and the lacework.

Plus Morcelse 1630
"A shepherdess"
Cloth edges, lips & expression.

Aert van der Neer
"River view by moonlight"
Wonderful lighting & shadows on the road with horse & cart.
Jacob van Ruisdael
"Landscape with waterfall"
Highlight on turbulent water distant light under the trees in the hillside.
Philips Konich
"Distant view with cottage lining road"
Loose painting style achieving reflection & tone.
"Isaac & Rebecca" 1645
The best!
A very loose painting with large 'globes' of yellow highlighting the brocade gold sleeve. The form of the hand & reflected colour. This painting has been damaged & has been changed. The man's hat was painted on in 1930? Part of the background are missing as it was a larger format.
"Titus van Ruin" (son)
Face & fabric.

Geldon (R's pupil)
"King David"
Shows R's loose style.

"Amsterdam drapes guild"
3D table & book.

Jan van de Capelle
"The home fleet salutes the state barg"
Reflection tone & clouds

Jan Davidsz de Heen
"Festoon of fruit & flowers"

Ferdinand Bols 1669
"Self portrait"
Steen - many very good.

Peter van de Hooch
"Woman with chili in pantry"
Lighting of view through door and low window. Portrait of after looking on scene.

"Kitchen maid"
Reflected light.
"The little street"
3D distance - camera obcurera used

Gerald Don
"Painter with lips & book"
"Night school"
Lighting & candle.

Willem van de Velte II
Ship scenery.

Loose style, 3D forearm & hand. Thumbs & hands.
left side of painting cut off!

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