Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Prague - The Prague Castle area, Charles bridge and old city walk

Prague Tuesday March 29
The train from Amsterdam was half an hour late so we active at Prague Central at 10am. I immediately got a new city map and quickly picked up that they prefer their own money in stead of euro. Many places take euros.
Got 1000 Kcs at the atm and was off to find the hostel. AS there in 15 minutes. It was called Hostel Elf and yes all the walls were various hues of pink and there were selfish drawings everywhere. It turned at to be a very nice hostel.
Put my pack in my 'private' room (Prague is less than half the cost so I splurged) and headed off to the Prague Castle.
Bus to the bridge across the Vltava river and then up the hill (with at least 1000 tourists). I brought a 'seniors' ticket to do the full tour and I was off running.

Old royal palace
The story of the Prague castle
St George Basilica
picture gallery

Then it was 4pm and everything suddenly shut. I was sure I had to 6pm but it seems that it is still winter and in April they will open to 6pm I was told. Major change of plans! I decided that as I had 2 hours of daylight I would walk back to the hostel though the city and get a good idea as to what I should do for the next few days.

I headed down the hill again to the Church of St Nicholas to find it also shut at 4pm. Do on to the famous Charles bridge. The narrow windy streets were packed with tourists and most were teenage school children. So I had to be a little assertive at times.
Charles Bridge was very impressive and every vertical bridge post had a huge statue on it so if look like an outdoor art gallery. The bridge was packed with tourist and there were a large number of street artists plying their wares. Quick sketch portrait artists were everywhere.

I followed a narrow street called Karlova street. A nice little restaurant decorated with planter boxes filled flowers took up half the width. Little tourist shops selling crystal wares, amber jewellery, toys and Russian fur hats were doing a great trade. I passed many amazing buildings and churches and I photographed them as the lighting was favourable.
I could see where I would have to spend most of my next few days.

I made my way back to the hostel and went straight to a restaurant recommended by the hostel. I ordered chicken breast with saurcraut and a beer. All came to 8 euros. Hardly worthwhile cooking my own meals.
The Castle ticket was for 2 days and I will pick up where I left off tomorrow.

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