Friday, February 3, 2012

20120203Friday Feb 3 LA with Julie H & Arriving Edwards Colorado

The flight across the Pacific was the roughest flight I have had on this route. For more than half the trip the Pilot was continuously telling the cabin crew to go back to their seats and buckle-up. The plane was buffering up and down all the time. I was luckily to have two free seats beside me and got some good sleep. My flight arrived in LA 20 minute late. I was to be met by Julie Kresko's Friend Julie Honadel and it was 11 am before I got through customs and met up with her in the terminal 4 driveway. 

I had already established with Julie H by emails/SMS that I did not want to see the city of LA, as I had seen it many times before, but wanted to get out and see some local scenery. So we headed to Malibu and and on to the Leo Carrillo State Park. 

We passed thought general cityscape and, reaching the coast, the houses became more interesting and the coastal scenery and expanses of beaches were nice to see. We passed the infamous Beachwatch beach (took some photos on the way back).

There was a small car park at the start of the trail and we set out immediately up the trail. Passing through low heath the trail wound it way up to a small hill top. We were on top in about 20 minutes and there we could see beaches to the north and south to Malibu. Generally a very pleasant spot and a much needed stretching of the leg after the long flight. It was a very pleasant and enjoyable break in the trip.

Julie then decided that we should return to Santa Monica, where she lives, and have a Mexican meal at a local restaurant. We had an open taco which was fine but not as good as the Burredo I had a Durango in 2008. The restaurant was very friendly and Julie dropped me back at the Airport in time for my flight.

The Airport security gave me a full body pat-down twice - once in public and once again in a private room.  They searched my cabin bag and I found later they had search my ski bag. I think I'm on their list of suspects as the last time I went though LA we were also privately searched by security and on that time we nearly missed our flight. 

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