Saturday, February 4, 2012

20120204Saturday Feb 4 Edwards Colorado

In the morning I opened my parcel of ski binding repair bits from Burnt Mountain and repaired my broken ski bindings. I was able to build the left binding OK but I could not unscrew the toe piece screws on the right binding. This was not a major problem as the right toe piece itself was not broken and only the mount needed to be replaced. So I kept the new right toe piece as a spare. All went together ok and both skis were completed fixed.

I ventured out at lunchtime onto the lower slopes of the local Arrowhead ski area and gave the new binding a work-out and all proved to successfully operate. I skinned up the first steep slope about 10 times and by the time Steve and Julz arrived with Julz's telemarking friend I was too tired to join them.  My jet-lag cut in and I suddenly felt like sleeping.  So I stayed in the Arrowhead bar and returned with Julz's flat mate, Bob Bailey, back home.

The group stayed of course and skinned up to the top of the Arrowhead ski fields and returned at 7pm in the dark. So I was very wise not to go.

That evening Julz had arrange for Steve and I to attend the local art school exhibition. Steve and I turn-up in our best clothes at 8:30 and pursued to offering that were for sale. The standard was very low and I was only impressed with 1 painting and 1 drawing. There were a number of photography entries and there were some interesting one. Snack food was provided but Julz had already feed us know this was insufficient for our needs.

To our surprise some people in elaborate dressed arrived and they were announces as the "Burlesques and Boylesques" trip-tease group. We were then entertained by this old-fashioned striptease 'artists'. It was amazing for Steve and I as we were under the impression that all US citizens were conservative and this would not be acceptable. The whistle and cat calls for the audience were a testament that this was not so. We had already noticed that many of the sculpture (wood, dolls, ornaments and also cake decoration) had very robust and racy themes. The trip-tease act topped them all. The girls were not thin, lets say they were well endowed. They danced to music with heavy beats and racy lyrics doing all the tradition teasing acts. They reminded me of Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe in their gushing movements and fabric play. A very well built black American got the greatest response from the females in the audience. There male audience were quiet. He was a beautify built man and I could recommend him for our Australian Ku-ring-gai Art School for a model. Remembering that this performance was in the Edwards (Vail) Art School, and that the Troupe were encouraging the Art School to start a group to learn these demonstrated skills, I could also ask them to approach our Australian Ku-ring-gai Art School for the same consideration. I can imaging the response. I must talk to Marie about this idea :)

At the drinks afterwards I showed some of our new friends our local art work and got a very strong response. Maybe I should get our art school to exhibit in Vail - they are all well above this standard. Most were asking from $100 for the smallest work to $890 for the large (a very nicely posed female nude - the only one approaching our standards).

I slept extremely well that night.

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