Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Storming the Bastille

Wednesday Feb 23
I had to return the Avalanche beacon (called ARVA's in France) to the shop "La Haute Route" 33 Boulevard Henry IV. Hence I decide to include a walk to the Bastille and learn about all that "storming" that went on there.

I found the shop ok and returned the ARVA and tried to get a goretex patch kit to repair Fritz's pack (my ski bindings had put a hole in the pack he lent me). They sent me to "Vieux Campeur at 48 rue des Escoles. This was just across the Seine and in the Latin Quarter of the city (so called because it is the university are and long ago all teaching was done in Latin and everyone in this area spoke in Latin). But first i was now on my way to the Bastille. The Bastille was a great fortress which became a prison and the old plan is marked out in cobble stone around the Place de la Bastille.  The prison was not a popular place and was to focus of the revolutionaries in July 1789. The current column was built 50 year later to commemorate and record the name of those who died in the storming.

I walked back down Boulevard Henry IV across the river and found the Veux Campeur shop and got the repair kit. Makes me feel a bit happier. Returned to the I'le St Louis and am beginning to feel comfortable around the city.

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