Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 4 - Back-country ski trip from i re Magi refuge to the village of Nevache

 Back country skiing Biancon Feb 17 to 22
Lodge Manager Francesca  
Monday Feb 21

Refuse I de Magi

Our plan for Monday is to return to Nevache via the lower Col l'Echelle at only 1762 meters. The Refuse Manager, Francesca, has decided to climb the Col l'Echelle with us. So we left the refuge a little after 9 am and when Francesca had locked up the refuge.

We ski down the main road which was closed to regular traffic but groomed for skiers. It was a fast run around sweeping curves and switchbacks for about 4 kms. The trail up the Col l'Echelle had been simply packed for skiers by a skidoo and we quickly settled into a reasonably fast pace up the steep (for vehicles that is) and long climb.. There were a number of kilometer long switchbacks and each turn gave us wonderful view of high mountain peaks. The I'Aiguille Rouge (2545m), with its red limestone faces, and the Pointe Gaspand (2808m) on the east side of the valley.

Just before the top of the climb there were avalanche chutes to negotiate and tunnels to ski through (there is no snow inside tunnels!!). Final the national park display sign indicate the top and Francesca said her good-byes and skied back down. Fritz and I continue on a began to meet large group of walkers and skier ascending up from the far side. The Col l'Echelle had not yet been reached and it was another 2 kms of gentle climbing before we got there. There were a large number of skiers photographing each other at the Col sign post.

It was a nice easy run down the road to Nevache. the snow got a little thin before the end but caused up little problems.

We had been concern as to how we would ski/walk to Nevache but on reaching the main road we discover a freshly groomed cross-country racing trail. This trail when all the way to Nevache. At Nevache we got into trouble from the race organize for skiing on the track without registering first. Fritz calmed her down and when she heard where we had skied from she became very friendly and we were able to continue skiing on her track.

We may our way along the river, occasionally crossing the road and skiing between the houses. We arrive in the old village very early and in time to have lunch. After photographing the old church we had lunch at the Auberge Guillaume. After lunch we left our packs at the restaurant and skied further up the valley to some high small chapels. This gave us some good view of the valley and a nice ski run back down.

We picked up our pack and went to the Gire "Le Creux des Souches" to pick up my pack that had been left behind on Saturday. We had some hot wine here to fill in time before the bus left.

The Bus left at 7pm and we got on the train at Briancon to Paris. 10 hours to sleep.

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