Wednesday, February 8, 2012

20120208Wednesday Feb 8 Ski trips at Vances Cabin

20120208Wednesday Feb 8 Ski trips at Vances Cabin
The next day all groups attempted the climb of Taylors Peak. After switching on our avalanche beacons, we started out about 10:30am at 10,980' and skinned up the cleared field, following the main trail until it turned south. We then proceeded upwards through a steep forested area where there was no track. There was just the impression of previous climbers. The powder snow was about a half metre deep and there were many fallen trees and obsticles. We made good progress athough the 11000' altitude was making me feel like an old man and I began to breath deeply to try and counter the affect. reaching the top of the ridge line at 11,725' we entered an open area with a few remaining clumps of pine trees. The northern side of this ridge was heavily corniced and we stopped well back on the top of the ridge. We had intened to climb Taylors peak and we began to proceed in that direction. We quickly turned back after experiencing the tell-tail booming sound of snow slumping deep below our feet.  We all immediately agreed not to proceed up the mountain. The general avalanche forcast for this area was classified as 'extreme' and we were not prepared to test this.

The other group had already decided to ski down and had gone. We skied back down the slope to the Cabin and the snow became very difficult to control. Steve and my skis were too narrow for the powder snow and we would sink through as we try to turn around trees etc. I had 2 difficult falls and had a lot of trouble getting upright and out of the deep powder snow. On the second fall I pulled a ligament slightly in my right calf mussle area. It did not cause any concern and did not affect my skiing. It was a warning. Skiing down through the trees proved to be very difficult and we were glad to get out into the clearing again. This cleared slope provided a pleasant ski back to the Cabin and we repeated the local ski a number of times.

Snow began to fall in the late afternoon.

That night we had a long conversation with the 2 Denis's.  It has always been surprising to me to hear US folk, who stay in these high huts, talk about their country, its policies and issues. I have found a great deal of agreement in our attitudes and ideas. Not at all like US folk we meet in the towns.

1 comment:

Joker's Blog said...

Thanks Bill for the writings. I'm glad your group didn't trigger any avalanches, cheers, Paul Landy